Could a donor-advised fund, also known as a giving account, benefit your philanthropy? More and more people are saying "Yes," making donor-advised funds one of the fastest-growing financial tools. Let's go over the benefits charitable givers receive from opening a donor-advised fund with DonorsTrust.

"Donor intent is a big problem. I think most people should view legacy giving as thorny. It certainly is for me. That is where DonorsTrust can be very helpful." — Bill Walton

Sarah and Bill Walton

Start Your Giving-Account Journey

With a donor-advised fund, you contribute to your donor-advised account, immediately generate a tax deduction, and then choose the timing of grants to charities you wish to support. 

Requesting a distribution from the account is simple. The tedious administrative work of confirming a charity’s 501(c)(3) tax status, sending the contribution, and receiving any follow-up correspondence from the charity is all handled by the donor-advised-fund sponsor. Keep track of just one tax receipt—from the donor-advised-fund sponsor—instead of many.

Need More Reasons 

to Open Your 

Giving Account with


Click below to download our donor prospectus and start (or continue) your philanthropic journey.


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DonorsTrust givers

Some people value the recognition that can come from charitable giving. Others are ambivalent to to recognition beyond a polite 'Thank you' note. You decide the level of anonymity that accompanies your charitable giving.

Give as publicly or as privately as you'd like

Receive more generous tax treatment than a private foundation. Stretch your giving farther with gifts of appreciated stock or real estate.


Opening an account is simple. Once open, our team handles the administrative side of giving so you can focus on your impact.


We share your passion for using philanthropy to support the cause of liberty, and we are committed to protecting your donor intent.



Give. Grow your charitable dollars. Grant to the causes you love.


More Benefits of a DAF

Partner with an organization that shares your principles

With more than 1,000 donor-advised-fund providers—or "sponsoring organizations," as the IRS likes to say—in the United States, you should take time to find the one that best meets your needs and, potentially, aligns with your principles.

Give more than you otherwise would

Many people find a funny thing happens once they begin using a donor-advised fund to manage their giving: They begin to give more.

Did you hear about us on Allie Beth's podcast? 

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