With a DonorsTrust giving account, contribute to your personal donor-advised fund account, immediately receiving a tax deduction, and then choose the timing of grants to charities you wish to support.
Start your giving journey.
"Donor intent is a big problem. I think most people should view legacy giving as thorny. It certainly is for me. That is where DonorsTrust can be very helpful."
"Right now, I give small amounts to handful of organizations and learning from what I hear about those investments. And it’s addictive: The more I give, the more I want to give more."
Donor-Advised Funds | Philanthropic Guidance | Legacy Protection
© 2022 DonorsTrust. 1800 Diagonal Rd. Ste. 280, Alexandria, VA 22314. All rights reserved.
—Bill and Sarah Walton, DonorsTrust givers
—Scott Barton, a DonorsTrust giver
Donor-Advised Funds | Philanthropic Guidance | Legacy Protection
Our marquee donor-advised fund offers a flexible, tax-advantaged, and principled way to maximize your giving. Think of it as your own charitable savings account.
Here's how it works: Establish your DonorsTrust account with an initial tax-deductible contribution of $10,000 or more. You can fund the account with cash or in other tax-advantaged ways: using appreciated stock, closely held stock, or personal property such as real estate.
Funds are available for grantmaking to a variety of local, national, or international nonprofit organizations. Making grant requests is simple: Use our online portal, e-mail, or call us directly. You may also invest the funds in the account to grow your giving potential.
Discover an easier way
to do your charitable giving.
From keeping track of your giving receipts throughout the year to thinking strategically about how much to give and which groups to support, philanthropy can be hard work.
Being generous shouldn't be a headache.
DonorsTrust can handle the details, helping you maximize the tax advantages of your giving and offering guidance on how to have the greatest impact with your charitable dollars.
An account with DonorsTrust offers privacy, simplicity, and assurance from a giving partner that shares your commitments to limited government, personal responsibility, and free enterprise.
To learn more about how a donor-advised fund with DonorsTrust can simplify your giving, check out the video below: