A Charitable Partner That Shares Your Values

We are a principled philanthropic partner for
conservative and libertarian donors.

Watch How It Works

We help donors across the country maximize the impact of their giving.
See how we can help you.

Take control of your charitable strategy with a
Donor-Advised Fund

Get Started

A simple application
gets you started.


Contributions are
immediately tax deductible.

Choose Causes

Recommend grants to any
number of public charities.

Build Legacy

Make an impact with your grantmaking over time.

A Principled Donor-Advised Fund

Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable tool in America. These funds offer donors of all giving levels a means to simplify their giving in a tax-friendly way.

DonorsTrust is the oldest and largest donor-advised fund committed to the principles of liberty. We help donors like you across the country maximize the impact of their giving.

We have granted out more than $2 billion to more than 3,000 charities

Whether to groups promoting the arts, community associations, religious causes, education, or public policy, these grantees protect our liberties and strengthen our civil society.

Tax saving calculator

For educational and illustrative purposes only—you must consult your tax advisor with your own facts and circumstances. 
DonorsTrust does not offer tax advice. You may not rely upon any calculation performed here, as every taxpayer’s facts and circumstances are different.

Maximize the Impact
of Your Giving

DonorsTrust is the community foundation for liberty. We are not bound by geography, but by a commitment to the principles of liberty. We—and the donors we work with—believe in limited government, personal responsibility, and free enterprise. Our confidence is in the power of private philanthropy to solve our greatest challenges. 

Talk to an expert today to find out more and request information.

Simplify Your Giving

Donor-advised funds offer flexibility, privacy, and tax advantages.

Increase Your Impact

Our team offers knowledgeable partnership to help you make the most of your charitable giving.

Conservative Principles

We are committed to limited government, personal responsibility, and free enterprise.

Why do our donors


“I give to focus on charitable impact instead of administrative details”

Bill & Sarah, Donors since 2018


In 2021 and for a time after that, commercial donor-advised funds such as Fidelity Charitable and Goldman Sachs’s charitable fund began to block and censor...

This episode of Giving Ventures features a special interview with Senator James Lankford (R-OK), who provides a charitable-minded view from Capitol Hill. As one of...

“In this world,” Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, “nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Doctor Franklin left out the certainty of...


Are you interested in giving to nonprofits?

Discover how you can support the conservative and libertarian causes you love in a simple, secure, tax-advantaged way

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